Now look at you go girl, turning your assistant's Darcy McNutt's one-bedroom apartment into a stylish lil' pad if you ask me...

I spy an Ikea "Saarinen table" look a like, a John Robshaw quilt, and a West Elm day bed just to name a few...
Maybe Ms. Ivanka's next venture should be an Interior Design business like Turquoise Chic suggested in her post about this today (which I'm so glad I stumbled upon)! And, who could forget her own apartment of course, which you can view here in case you need another peek...
What do you think, could this be a new career path for Ivanka???
(Image via Turquoise Chic blog, originally from Glamour magazine May '08)
Yes, sounds like a career brewing...especially with all the press about her these dasy. She certainly has a good eye.
I think this is a publicity stunt for Trump Palace - she works for her dad. I hate to be cynical - but I'm thinking there was some behind the scenes help. Even if, the apartment is just darling!
Hmm...if there is a professional designer behind the scenes, Ivanka still seems to give the go ahead on some very chic spaces :)
Love the colors!
I'm with Courtney. And does she design her jewelry line? Or simply lend her name to it?
What on earth are those leopards flanking the fireplace?
I wonder that too Joni, but who really knows!!
I'm not really sure Jennifer, good question!!
Yeah, I don't know what's going on with those leopards to tell you the truth!
Wait on second thought, I think they're in attack mode!
posters cool!
I love Ivanka's style....although i could do without the LEOPARDS....
Jen Ramos
'100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards'
its not 100% my style, but i really like it! truth be told, I've always wanted a tiny room with silver walls, and these don't jump out and scream at you...very subtle, which is hard to pull off.
I'm mostly impressed with the kitchen area makeover... love it!
The place does look pretty cute--love the curtain in front of the little galley kitchen. Heard somewhere that her mother used to be the Vice President of Interior Design for Trump Organization, so maybe it's in the genes? :)
Thanks for the shout out! The leopards aren't exactly my taste but I still love what Ivanka has done with the place.
The apartment is so cute! I love the colors! I say definitely a possible new career path. It goes hand in hand with real estate - why not?
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