I hate to say it, but I have a subscription to InStyle magazine, mostly to view their tiny section on travel, homes and entertaining (I do pay some attention to fashion too). One of the articles, from January of this year, showcased the apartment of Ivanka Trump designed by Emma Jane Pilkington. I was not surprised to see such a lovely balance of modern and vintage like pieces, creating a casual and inviting place that's not too pomp...so here it is, for those looking for some inspiration in this direction. *For more on Emma and this apartment check out a post from Style Court on April 25 of this year.
Loving those turquoise foo dogs!!! Possibly a must have for every home?!?!

More turquoise, but in that chandelier...it really is the centerpiece.

A Master Bedroom with a touch of sweetness...and more foo dogs (this time minis).
Love all the light in this library, just what I think a library should be.
i love this 'title'! and i get that little envious, pursed lipped, mph. whenever i see her pad.i wish i could just roll my eyes, and think, 'yuck over done, conspicuous, yadda yadda"
but the truth is....it rocks.
so lovely, it def. doesnt look VINTAGE, but it still has a vintage feel to it~
oh.. i'm loving your "daily finds" section too! ;D
since you come visiting me, I started visiting you and I like your blog. In order to make it more easy for me to follow you, I am linking to you. I hope that's ok.
We are drawn to the same things! I posted her place in April (contrasted the H & G coverage with InStyle) and again in May, I think -- for the Hermes scarf framed in the dining room. Emma Jane Pilkington worked on the home originally. Just F.Y.I. for the design-obsessed :)
Thanks for linking me suzie!!!
Thanks Courtney...I had this feeling I left out something after I posted it, and I realized I did leave out Emma's name as the designer (thanks for pointing out). I will have to go back in your archives and check out your posts on this design...and link you up as well :)
Sweet of you to mention my old post -- not necessary though! Just noticed we have so many of the same tear sheets. I like your eye :)
Thanks Courtney, that means alot... since I admire your design sense :)
Thanks blushing apples!! Glad you like my "daily finds" :)
LOVE that yellow plate (find of the week.)
Sorry, find of the day :)
I've been wanting to frame a Hermes and Pucci scarf for years but never saved up for one. Ehis is making me head on over to my internet lovah (Ebay.)
Hey! I have those foo dogs! AND I am receiving those same campaign tables(in black) in a trade for consulting services! I am almost there! Now all I need is that New York apartment to put them in. Love this apartment.
Just found you through beachbugalow8, it's a nice blog. Love the photo on the bottom and wall color.
Thank you for posting this - I LOVE her bedroom, it's so beautiful!!
Well, I can't add anything else b/c I agree completely with what others said. I'm glad you showed these photos, though, b/c I missed this article.
Thanks for all your comments!!! Robyn thanks for stopping by and glad you like my blog :)
Oh I just loved this post...
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