Maybe you collect plates?!?! (The famous Viceroy Hotel designed by Kelly Wearstler, via Jane d' Avril blog)

Back to taxidermy, what kind of creatures do you have? (A bedside treasure in Scarloff's home, via Domino Dec/Jan '07)

It could be clocks...like these George Nelson pieces. (Via Metropolitan Home, Jan/Feb '03)

Or vintage hubs, shown here suspended on wire (Home designed by Thom Filicia, via House and Garden, Aug. '07)
hey! its your turn first!
I'm not one of these people who has many collections, but rather just a few. Of course I collect books! Also porcelain and faience, and interior paintings.
Great post BTW! Forgot to mention that in my first comment.
Christmas ornaments picked up on travels. I figure they are easy to store and can't take over the whole house...yet.
What a great post Kate, love the whole collecting thing. I don't really collect anything anymore, but when I was in my early 20's I had a thing for green glass and the willow pattern china. Now all of those dishes are in a cupboard. We use the green plates during the holidays!
What have you collected?
I've thought about collecting pagodas (I have an old brass one) but I live in a really small place, so too many might come off feeling more Tony Duquette than Mary McDonald or Michael Smith :)
I guess without trying, I've ended up with tons of ceramics ... oh and books and mirrors!
Me too POC, I don't have a lot of collections, just a few...so far I just collect books and interesting china/glassware. Thanks for the comment!!!
Thanks for the comment Designflute, I would show some of the items I collect, but most of our belongings are in storage :( What do you collect?
I love to Christmas Ornaments too Brilliant Asylum...esp. glass ones :) Thanks for visiting my blog!
I think pagodas would be great to collect Courtney, but I understand small space living doesn't always encourage collecting too much of anything. I'm with you on the books...wish I had more mirrors though!
Thanks for the comment Robyn!!! I'm finally at a point where I can start collecting more things in my life (for right now, I have a great book collection and a start on a china/glassware collection as well)...before I traveled too much to hang onto anything that couldn't fit in a couple of large suitcases :)
Books and marble eggs. I love pottery too...oh and stemware, china and silver.
just found your blog - so fun!
right now b/c of space...wine corks and matchbooks from all over. my husband and i are hoping to someday make a table top out of the corks.
Vintage postcards, mostly of where we live(d). Vintage Hermes scarves, which I plan to frame and arrange in a grid on my stairwell wall. I wanted to collect Limoge boxes when I was younger but it never really took off. As for books and china, it is more accumulate than collect. A compulsion, really.
Magazines. Although I think the term "collect" is too complimentary. Love this post and all the great photos you found. Fun! Maybe plates would be a more environmentally responsible obsession...
oh God! I think I'm going to buck the trend here: Blue opaline, glass with just the prettiest color of blue, love love love it. Transferware, blue, brown, black, red, mulberry (enough, sick), Masonware!!!!, French yellow ware, White ironstone, small black iron dogs, not to mention books, by the hundreds (it used to be records!). This is embarrassing!
Books and Christmas ornaments, as previously mentioned. Also blue vases (torquoise-y ones, esp.), spanish and portuguese pottery, mexican and california tile, moroccan lanterns. It all sounds like a terrible mish-mash but ...yeah, well i guess it's all a terrible mish-mash.
I collect old pictures in black and white . I have a wonderful collection .
I think I'm going to write a post about ir ..may be today.
`I collect books and interior design magazines - so far, haven't been able to throw out a single one (the oldest magazine is from 1987!)
Great post topic - I LOVE collections! Personally I have a few things I collect which are design books and magazines, shells, old crystal perfume bottles and jars, old tea cups and saucers, paintings and old boxes. I seem to have a problem with collecting things!
Oh and I also collect Christmas ormnaments - I tend to buy 5 each year.
Oooo marble eggs Ronda, all your collections sound so fun! Thanks for the comment :)
Thanks so much Lyn!!! Glad you stopped by my blog, I feel you with the space thing, for awhile we had no space to collect much of anything. Wine corks...what a project!
I want to have some of what you collect Reilly! Please give me a vintage Hermes scarf any day! Those will look fantastic framed :)
Oh...Joni, how did I know you were quite the collector! I forgot records on my list, I don't collect anymore, but we have tons in storage. Your collection of tableware and glassware sounds fantastic :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog Martha! I wouldn't call it mish mash...sounds like the collections of some with lots of stamps in their passport :) Thanks for the comment!
Wow, I would love to see your collection of black and white photos Melanie! That is something I've always wanted to collect as well :)
Okay Bhavna you probably have the most amazing collection of magazines then...endless blog material :) Thanks for the comment!
Anna, somehow I new you'd have quite the collection of things! I love the idea of old boxes, esp...they are perfect for decor. And Christmas ornaments, who can't help but buy a few new ones every year. Which ones in particular to you collect, if any?
Thanks for the comment :)
I actually collect a pottery called Majolica. My entire family collects it. We give it to each other for Christmas and birthdays. I also collect Herend. And unfortunately because my husband is an avid hunter (give me a break, I'm from Texas. That's what we do) we have taxidermy pieces in our house too. I don't mind the deer...but ducks! I am constantly fighting with my husband trying to explain to him that it would look much better in the garage. I never win. :(
Wow Lindsey! I love Hererd, but haven't collected anything yet. I will have to check out this pottery that you mentioned. About the ducks and deer...you could claim some crazy hunter without a kill record robbed you guys :)...I'm always here to help!
Great post AND blog! (Now I want to go visit the blogs of everyone that responded!) What DON'T I/we collect? I could answer that faster.
A few obsessions: Fire-King jadeite depression glass kitchenware; postcards & stationery; vintage buttons; vintage dept. store boxes (I. Magnin, Bonwit Teller and the like); calligraphy pens and inks; art & design books; textiles, ribbon, decorative papers; late-nineteenth century serving dishes; antique English & Irish pine furniture; vintage Knoll anything...goodness, this is ridiculous.
I've just recently started up my blogs. Your post has me thinking that focusing a day or two each week on particular collections would be fun.
So glad I found you (via Armas Design)!
OK, I'm in:
Ironstone..I know, very Martha.
Bottles with caning on them
Mirrors..too many
Christmas ornaments..only the blown glass kind
There are more, but you'll have to catch them in a post someday! ;)
oh, i collect several things. twigs, deer figurines, plates, pretty mugs, pretty tea cups & tea pots, vintage childrens book(for the illustrations), postcards, gretting cards, letters.. ummm.. several gazillion things. i have too many things, its probably a bad habit
i admit to a collection of jugs :P and books and furniture (according to the husband) and vintage photo frames and birds.
Thanks for stopping by my blog dianamuse!!! We'll I have to say that I really like all your collections, esp. vinatge buttons and dept. boxes :) I look forward to checking your blog out too!
Oooo Katie I bet you have a great mirror collection! I can't wait to see you collections displayed when you home is in the decorating phase :)
Wow Blushing Apples...vintage children's books, that sounds so unique, I bet each book has a unique style to the illustrations :) I love the idea of deer figurines too!
Oh, I only wish I collect furniture Drey...my idea of a perfect home includes several pieces in storage that you can switch out every so often. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Just noticed this post via Absolutely Beautiful Things . . . I love your post and I love collections! I collect seashells, salt and pepper shakers, greeting cards, portraits of women, and decanters.
Thanks for stopping by my blog Leigh!!! A decanter collection, must be a wino...I have a few, but would love to have more. I'll be checking out your blog too!
I grew up with a mom who collected everything! And our house was constantly cluttered with just tons of dust collectors. I think that he habit really affected the way I collect things. I seem to only acquire things which can be used: books, baskets, vases/jars, purses, and scrapbooks/picture frames. If it cannot be used...I don't really want it.
I have never really thought of myself as a collector, but rather an editor of sorts.Having said that I guess I do have some collections which I treasure:
antique white linen napkins and tablecloths, a (now very forbidden) old collection of ivory carvings that I keep packed away, antique sterling silver platters and serving pieces and books galore. You really got me thinking on this post....!!!!
I can understand where you're coming from Anon...I feel sort of the same way, I don't collect glassware just so if can sit in the cabinet...thanks for stopping by my blog and taking part of this :)
I bet your silver platters are fab Patricia! I like how you put that "an editor of sorts"...there is def. something to be said for a well edited space or collection of that matter :)
I collect shells and things Fleur-de-Lys. Your post inspired me to finish a post I had started a while back. You can see it at Ferret & Hound Interiors.
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