and I do believe that! You can take a fairly simple piece of furniture and with the use nailheads, change the feel of it completely. I'm a sucker for nailheads, no matter their use...and here are some companies that created some fun designs with nailheads on ottomans, hope you enjoy!

I love those firt ones.
I Love it . it is such a good idea ..It is goign to inspire me.
Great post! I forgot about the Barry Dixon Greek Key ottoman. I should have put that one in my Greek key post!
Yes those first ones are great aren't they Julie :)
I'm so glad I could inspire you Melanie.
Oh I love that post you did Sarah! I always do that...find things to add to an old post...maybe you could do a greek key #2 post and add on :)
Me too! I have to use self-restraint when let loose with the nailheads ;)
i really like the first group. great point about the details!
Thanks so much Jennifer and Courtney :)
I love the Tangier Hassock because lately I am on a Morocco inspiration binge out. I think it is interesting to use the term "hassock" again instead of ottoman. I think it adds a whole new chicness and BTY the nailheads are great too!
ummm... AGREED! i'm a total sucker for the nailheads as well.
Thank you for including the Visconti from Tonic Home website. It is really a beautiful design with the nailheads and you get storage as an added bonus. We can never have enough places in our house to store all of the little "extras"!
I love the use of nailheads on upholstery. I love that greek-key ottoman especially!
I know Patricia, I go back and forth on Moroccan kicks. You are right about using "hasscock" though! Glad you liked this post :)
Thanks so much Suzy...I tend to love anything greek key though :0d
No problem Tonic Home! I love all your furniture lines and I'm happy to feature it in my blog :)
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