Okay, not that kind...get your mind out of the gutter. I'm talking design trick in the bedroom...a switch up if you will, by taking that plain old headboard you're so bored of looking at, and changing the style around by draping fun textiles over it!
A seersucker headboard just so-so...but not nearly as exciting when Lee Jofa creative director Stephen Elrod draped a Indian rug over it...a rug, what a great idea!!
A subtle touch can do the trick too, here coarsely woven antique hemp fabric is laid over a finer white linen headboard...for a more bold statement I could see a pale yellow being used as well!
This doesn't have to just work with fabric headboards, above is Seagrass headboard (which can be found at Pottery Barn), makes a great statement doesn't it!?!

And not only a bedroom trick, but works just the same on a sofa, one of my favorites above from the home of Amanda Peet featured in Domino...
Well, any similar tricks up your sleeves??
Well, let me think if I have any decorating tricks like this... in the meantime, I think it's a nice way to change the look of your headboard. And it's temporary too! No long term commitment.
This is so pretty and such a great idea! I saw this image of the Martha Stewart website, it's different take on the same idea. Except she used a quilt and drapery rod:
great idea ! Thank you for sharing
Très joli blog ou les idées de décoration ne manquent pas.
Merci de partager avec nous toutes ces belles idées
Love the first textile!!!
i have a white flokati over my whole couch. it looks fantastic and really masks the fact that my couch is covered in dog hair.
I love your decorating tips! I put a middle-eastern looking red, black and yellow fabric over the middle of my simple black ikea couch. I think it adds a lot to the couch and my room. I'll be posting pics soon on Room Decorating Ideas
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